Interview: Mario De Luca

When did your fitness journey begin? Tell us a little more about your involvement in the industry. 

My fitness journey began in High School while I was preparing for the baseball season. I started competing in October of 2012 and turned pro in Men's Physique the next season. 

In your opinion who are the best role models in the fitness industry?

I think the best role models in the fitness industry is anyone who inspires and motivates others to get in great shape and live a happier and healthier life.

Are you a jeans or chinos kinda guy?

I'm definitely more of a jeans guy.

What is your favourite memory?

I have too many great memories to only have one favorite so I'll give you some of my top ones.  When I graduated College. When I played in the College Baseball World Series. When I signed my first Professional Baseball contract. When I Won my first overall title in Men's Physique. When I earned my Pro Card in Men's physique. When I earned my black belt in Aikido.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

If I could learn to do anything it would be playing the piano. I've always wanted to learn and one day when my schedule isn't so hectic I'll start taking lessons.

What was one of the best parties you’ve ever been to?

The best parties in the world are the Las Vegas Pool parties! Specifically the 2007 Rehab pool party at the Hardrock Hotel on Labor Day weekend. Till this day that was the best weekend of my life!

What story does your family always tell about you?

The story my family always tells about me is when I hit a home run to win the game against Delaware and put us into the College World Series.

What would you do if you were the president of your own country?

If I was president of my own country I'd make fitness and exercise a law!  That way we wouldn't have an obesity problem like we currently have in America.

How would you describe bodybuilding to somebody who knows nothing about the sport?

The way I would describe bodybuilding to someone who knows nothing about the sport is that it's a way of life that will allow you to build you body to extreme proportions so you can look like a Superhero.

Outside of bodybuilding what other goals or dreams do you have?

Outside of bodybuilding my dreams and goals are very simple.  I just want to be happy.  No matter where I am or what I'm doing if it doesn't make me happy I won't do it.